Hurstbridge Hub Community Garage Sale

Registrations have closed.

Hurstbridge Hub Community Garage Sale

461 461 people viewed this event.

SAVE THE DATE! Hurstbridge Hub is hosting a big community garage sale on 11 November as part of this year’s Garage Sale Trail. Loads of sellers in one place, so come along to find some pre-loved treasures, enjoy great live music, and get a snack at the sausage sizzle.

Keen to sell some of your stuff at the sale? Book a stall at the Community Garage Sale and rehome your items rather than send them to landfill. Cost to be a stallholder is $10, and all proceeds go towards funding local sustainability projects. More info and stallholder bookings can be made by clicking the blue ‘Register for Event’ button to the right.

Tell your friends and we’ll see you there!



Date And Time

11-11-2023 at 10:00 AM to
11-11-2023 at 02:00 PM

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