Food is Free
The Hurstbridge Food is Free table is situated under the verandah outside the entrance to the Hurstbridge Community Hub. The Food is Free project is a worldwide movement dedicated to increasing food security and community cohesion through access to nutritious, healthy food. Its motto is “Give what you can, Take what you need.” Anyone in the community can take from the Hurstbridge Food is Free table, and you don’t need to contribute anything or leave items in its place.
Homegrown food and other items that are leftover from the twice monthly Edible Hub Food Share are placed on the Food is Free table for everyone in the community to access. If you can’t make it to a Food Share event, then individual donations of food and garden-related items can be left on the table at any time. Don’t throw those extras in the compost, red bin or recycle: share them with the community!
Items you can leave on the Food is Free table include:
- fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs
- seeds and seedlings
- coffee grounds
- worm juice
- gardening magazines or books
- cooking magazines or books
- glass jars
- preserves and pickles
- sourdough starters
- scobies and kefir grains
Regular updates on what’s available on the Food is Free table are posted on the Hurstbridge Edible Hub Foodshare page on Facebook. So join the page or contact SHIFT to learn how you can be part of the Food is Free movement by growing, sharing, and connecting with others in the community.